Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wedding Bell Blues

Well, as Davori & Steve are being married in our yard on Sept. 5th, we naturally have lots to do to get ready. It's amazing how much there is to do even for a small mostly family wedding. Pete has been breaking his back getting the yard going. He's moved sprinkler system heads, replaced broken fittings, helped me plant all the planters with plants that we HOPE will still be alive in September. (But you never know in Holbrook.) He's been feeding the lawn, and therefore the rabbit that seems to have taken up residence.

I've been spending hours on the computer looking for the best buys in wedding supplies. It is amazing to this old lady, just what you can find on the internet. I love Google!!

Pete & I hang in there, in spite of all the drama, & disaster going on in our children's and grandchildren's lives. Everyday is a new adventure in ---- "Oh, no, my cell is ringing. Who wants what now!" Does anyone else sometimes not want to answer phone calls? Or have I been trained like Pavlov's dogs or rats in a cage? Oh, well, I love them all so much, anyway!!!!!